The Lilly Mystery is a steampunk seance costume party that will take you to a creepy place with a murderous mystery to solve

This steampunk seance costume party takes place in the early century. The rapid development of steam technology makes it feel like we are living in the far future. Steam power has ushered in a technological age with machines and devices that are amazing. Steam power is modern power, yet the age old drives of greed, lust, envy, and hate still guide us. And still, murder happens.

Players at the table of their steampunk seance costume party

All the guests arrive at the Lilly Hotel. They gather in this quaint place in the middle of town, yet surrounded by woods. Actually, that sounds a little creepy. It’s a comfortable establishment with good food, but the Lilly’s claim to fame are the seances they hold. So ghosts are expected, as are the lost loved ones. Perhaps what is surprising are all the tawdry foibles of the living; greed, secrets, lust, and the soon to be dearly departed.

So sit down at the table and as soon as the honored guest arrives by steam driven airship you can be assured of an interesting evening… and that someone ain’t gonna make it.


Sabrina Stark
You are a widow who is quiet and mousy. Your husband was a successful businessman and when he passed away he left you a fortune. You are a nice person and people like you, but you tend to be absent minded. Often you will walk into a room and not know where you are.
Costume suggestions here.

Maria Ochello
You may be older, but you are still an attracitve world traveler. From humble beginnings you have worked hard to build a successful travel agency. You are checking out the Lilly hotel’s accommodations as well as their famous séances. Your customers rely on you for recommendations
Costume suggestions here.

Heloise Goodman
You own the Lilly Hotel which was named after your older sister who died when she was young. The hotel is famous for the séances you hold which are well known for being scary and convincing. You are also the perfectly gracious hostess. The spirits in this sceance have you a little spooked out.
Costume suggestions here.

Diana Chambers
You are a mystery woman that no one knows, but they vaguely recognize you. You move in an ethereal way seeming to not even disturb the air around you, if you move, which is hardly ever. You are very still. The less you touch people the easier it is to keep tham at a distance.
Costume suggestions here.

Dean Johnson
A mysterious world traveler that rides a steam cycle. You know a lot about other cultures, weapons, self-defense, and wilderness survival. You have the air of someone who can handle himself in a tight spot. You also know a lot about weapons which you like to discuss with others.
Costume suggestions here.

Frank Shepherd
A millionaire businessman that just arrived at the hotel on your lighter than air ship, “Alacrity” flown by captain Anthony Tragger. You wear classic suits and are well mannered, with a touch of sinister. You did not become successful by being a nice guy, despite your friendly demeanor.
Costume suggestions here.

Erik Berg
You are blind but self-sufficient, even sensing things others with sight miss. You don’t really believe in ghosts, although you seem to have a sensitive awareness of their presence, in particular a smell, when people say ghosts are around. You have a badly scarred face from a burn in your youth. 
Costume suggestions here.

Captain Anthony Tragger
Captain of Frank Shepherd’s lighter than air ship “Alacrity”, you are precise in your movements, military like, and socially awkward. You are also an accomplished engineer with several patents. You give off the impression of complete reliability. You are not interested in the spirit world.
Costume suggestions here.